Our PSHCE curriculum empowers students to grow into confident, resilient, and responsible individuals. By exploring topics such as managing emotions, building relationships, and making informed choices, students develop self-awareness and empathy. They learn about personal growth, including puberty and independence, and discover how to adapt to changes in their lives while fostering positive mental and emotional well-being.
Students gain knowledge and skills to navigate life’s challenges and opportunities. They explore how to manage risk, make healthy lifestyle choices, and promote well-being in themselves and others. Key topics include financial literacy, environmental responsibility, and understanding rights, responsibilities, and social justice. Lessons on friendships, intimate relationships, and respecting diversity help students build strong, respectful connections while staying safe online and offline.
Our PSHCE curriculum equips students with the tools to achieve their personal and social goals. They learn to manage finances through budgeting, make decisions about post-16 education or careers, and develop strategies for maintaining health and well-being. Through understanding democratic systems, human rights, and environmental issues, students become active, informed citizens. By setting and working toward personal goals, they gain the confidence to succeed in their future endeavours.
Through a focus on well-being, relationships, and responsibility, our PSHCE curriculum prepares students to lead happy, healthy, and purposeful lives while contributing positively to their local and wider community.